3.2 Conducting a Reading Session

3.2.1 Overview

Conducting a Tarot reading is a deeply personal and spiritual process. It’s not simply about drawing cards and interpreting their meanings. It’s a conversation with your higher self, your intuition, and the universe. It’s about opening up to guidance, understanding, and insight.

3.2.2 Drawing the Cards

Once you’ve prepared yourself and your space and selected your spread, the next step is to draw your cards. Some people like to cut the deck first before drawing, while others draw straight from the shuffled deck.

You might choose to use your non-dominant hand to draw the cards, as it’s often associated with intuition and subconscious knowledge. As you draw each card, place it in its corresponding position in the spread, maintaining the orientation in which it was drawn - right side up or reversed.

Remember, the act of drawing the cards should be mindful and deliberate. Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition. You may feel drawn to a certain card, or a card might ““jump”” out of the deck while you’re shuffling. Trust these nudges from your intuition.

3.2.3 Reading the Cards in Context

Reading the cards is where your knowledge of Tarot card meanings and your intuition come together. Start by taking in the whole spread, noticing any patterns, themes, or immediate impressions. Does a particular card stand out? Does the overall spread feel harmonious or disjointed?

Next, look at each card in turn, considering its position in the spread and how it relates to the question or intention. For example, a card in a ““Past”” position might speak to past experiences or attitudes that have shaped the current situation, while a card in a ““Future”” position could suggest potential outcomes or guidance for the future.

If a card is reversed, it may indicate that the card’s energy is blocked, internalized, or manifesting in a more subtle or complex way. Some Tarot readers assign different meanings to reversed cards, while others do not use reversals at all - it’s a matter of personal preference.

3.2.4 Intuitive Interpretation

While knowledge of the cards' traditional meanings is important, Tarot reading is an intuitive art. You might see a symbol, color, or detail in a card that draws your attention and sparks a new insight. You might get a strong feeling or ““knowing”” about a card’s message.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong interpretation in a Tarot reading. It’s about what the cards mean to you, in this moment, in relation to your question or intention. Trust your intuition and allow it to guide your reading.

3.2.5 Connecting the Cards

Each card in a spread contributes to a broader narrative. Look at the relationships between the cards. Are there repeating symbols or themes? Do certain cards seem to reinforce or contradict each other? Do the cards tell a clear story, or is there tension and complexity?

For example, if you’re doing a past-present-future spread and you draw three Sword cards, it might suggest a lot of mental activity or conflict. If the future card is the Ten of Swords (often associated with painful endings), but the present card is the Two of Swords (indicating indecision or stalemate), it might suggest that a difficult decision or confrontation now could lead to a necessary ending and a new beginning.

3.2.6 Reflecting on the Reading

After you’ve interpreted each card and explored their connections, take a moment to reflect on the overall message of the reading.

What guidance or insight is the Tarot offering you? What new perspectives or possibilities have emerged?

It can be helpful to write down your reflections, noting the cards you drew, your interpretations, and any insights or actions you want to take in response to the reading. This record can be a valuable tool for tracking your personal growth and evolution, as well as deepening your understanding of the Tarot.

Conducting a Tarot reading is a deeply personal and spiritual experience. It’s a way of connecting with your inner wisdom and intuition, and receiving guidance and insight from the universe. By approaching the process with openness, respect, and curiosity, you can deepen your connection with the Tarot and enrich your personal and spiritual journey.